Schedule a Session
Before you have started your session, your session has already started!
Contact Sarah to book your session
Location: The Kailash Centre, 7 Newcourt Street, London, NW8 7AA
Violet Hill Studios, 6 Violet Hill, London NW8 9EB
Or, on Zoom or Skype
Phone: +44 (0)7506 381191

New Clients
If you haven't met me before, please fill out and submit both the Consent Form and the Intake Form prior to your first appointment. This will allow us to maximize the time we have together in session. Please either post them to me, or bring them with you to your first appointment. Contact me for my personal mailing address.
Payment for Services
If you can prepay for your session at the time you confirm your appointment; mail your check to me; bring cash; or pay through the Paypal link below.
Cancellation Policy
Please Note: All sessions will have a 48 hour cancellation policy with full payment due for cancellations without such notification.
‘The ultimate gift we can give to humanity to heal the illusory divisions within ourselves.’ ~ Adyashanti