About Sarah Lidsey

"My passion is in being in Service, to others and to this planet. My intention is to support each person who comes to me so that they can find their unique alignment and live life to the max!"

Born in England, and with a background in Fine Arts, Sarah’s personal healing journey has been focused on a path of transformation. Her continuing journey has its foundation in her appreciation for ancient philosophies, indigenous wisdom, and in exploring the energetic structure of the universe.  To this end she has studied with wise teachers from around the world.  Learn more about Sarah's Training here.

Sarah’s recognition of the importance of pilgrimage in life has taken her to sacred sites around the world.  She has traveled from the Arctic circle to Antarctica; through Africa and Australia; from the Andes to the Himalayas; and to many other countries. All have been pilgrimages of the heart that have returned to her ancient memories and old knowledge. 

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‘The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician.  Therefore the physician must start from nature with an open mind.’
                                                                                   - Paracelsus

"Sarah  carries with her a palette of sacred land energies into which she can tap so as to provide just the right energy for her client’s unique needs.  Her connection to the Source of Life enables her work with clients to powerfully re-invigorate and realign them to their unique connection to life, profoundly healing mind, body and spirit.  Her sense of integrity and respectfulness cannot be overstated. I would highly recommend anyone to experience her healing work."  
                                                                                      - PATRICIA F., CA
         International Workshop Leader 
                         and Energy Practitioner
Contact Sarah

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I'd love to hear from you, and answer any questions you may have. 

Please feel free to email me with any questions, comments and feedback.  My phone number is +44 (0)7506 381191, although I have a faster response time to e-mails: slidsey@aol.com. 
I will usually respond within 48 hours.